"Expecto Patronum!"


This resource reveals the meaning behind the phrase 'Expecto Patronus'.

If your learner isn't a fan of the 'Harry Potter' novels, there's no reference to them in the resource, so they can still be used.

The resource examines the morphemes 'ex', 'spic', 'spec' and 'patr'. It includes:

1 - an exploration of the target morpheme. Some learners may prefer to read this for themselves, but it could also be used as a teaching aid for an adult.

2 - a diagram summarising the information in section 1. Some learners may find this more accessible, and it can be used alongside the fuller explanation.

3 - Activities examining the words linked to the target morphemes.

4 - Activities designed to support spelling.

123 pages

3 morphemes: ex, spec (spice, spect) and patr (pater-, patri-, patro-, patr-, -patria)

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