I employ a fine grading system that ensures students read texts appropriate to their reading abilities. Having successfully completed the 'Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Down syndrome' (RLI) training, I am now an Accredited Trainer for this intervention. While book levelling is an integral aspect of RLI, it was initially developed for use with dyslexic learners.

The Cumbria Reading Intervention provides a research-based approach to book levelling that surpasses conventional school book schemes. This method allows students to gradually progress through increasing difficulty levels at their own pace. I recommend that children focus on a specific level until they demonstrate confidence, reading about 97% of the words accurately. This approach fosters confidence and reduces cognitive load.

Prior to using my gradigs, I recommend students initially engage with high-quality, phonic-based decodable reading schemes. These are founded upon principles of linguistic phonics, often referred to as 'the Science of Reading'.

As this resource is continually evolving, some reviews may vary in detail. I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to be notified of new book additions. If you need assistance determining the right level for your child or would like support, please consider booking a one-off consultation. Happy reading!

Graded Books Directory