Great Expectations Education

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‘The 13-Storey Treehouse’ by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton

The dog-eared set belonging to my sons makes this a fitting first review.

Not only that, I’ve actually met the author, Andy Griffiths at a book signing, organised by the wonderful Chorleywood Bookshop. My son and I arrived early with our friends, so the boys had a whole 20 minutes to themselves to chat to Andy.

I can’t claim that these books are the first books that my second son first read independently, but I do think that they’re the first books that he read for pleasure. And they’re definitely the first books my third son read independently, and for pleasure.

Now, I won’t claim to have read every single book in the series in full. But now I’ve met the author, I may just be tempted.

I’ll leave the summary of the books in the hands of my resident experts: “ In the book, there are two or three different plots. Between every book, they build another 13 stories on the treehouse. The books are funny and exciting. Highly recommended”.

Hatcher Book Grade: 42

This means that in the extract that I analysed, I found a number of longer words, such as ‘elevator’, ‘belongs’, ‘chances’, and ‘putting’. One sentence was as long as 21 words, with multiple clauses. The text is broken up by pictures and cartoons, so although there are 238 pages, the word count is not as high as it might appear.

If you’d like to get a copy of the book, you can here (affiliated link)

‘The 130-Storey Treehouse’ can be found in level 55.