Legal Resources

The SEN Code of Practice

It’s a long document. I’ve found it useful to have a printed version so that I can highlight useful sections. This is a valuable resource when you need to email a school or local authority and remind them of their legal duties. The information applies to 0-25 year olds who have an EHCP, as well as students who might have additional needs but who are without an EHCP.

I have highlighted and annotated sections of the document for particular needs. These are available to clients who have used my coaching services.

The Equality Act 2010 (in PDF here)

IPSEA - a charity specialising in SEND law. In addition to providing support phone lines for parents, they also provide training for parents and professionals. The model letters they provide on their website are also a brilliant resource.

SOS!SEN is an independent charity that provides a support phone line for parents focusing on SEN Law and Education. I’ve had some great advice from them.