Game Changer - Comparing EHCP drafts

GAME-CHANGER for parents of children with EHCPs!

(maybe you all knew this, but I've only discovered it this morning!).

In Word, you can compare two documents to see whether the LA have added in changes without you realising. I've just used it to check a annual review draft with the changes I requested in the previous draft. I'd already gone through it 'manually', checking my original document. However, the compare function showed that three lines in Section B had been added in from another child's EHCP - something about playing cricket in a local team (definitely not my son!), using the other child's name. It also showed that they'd forgotten to change '2023' to '2024' at the top of the first page. I've attached photos to show how to use it, including a little guide I made for myself to use next time, so I know how to identify changes.


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